The Phone: A Good Thing or A Bad Thing

Hamza Siddiqui
3 min readJan 4, 2022
Addiction by Hamza Siddiqui

The mobile phone is a device that is used by almost everyone in the world. Nowadays literally everyone including children have these phones but they are used too much by everyone. It should not be used after every minute. It should only be taken in small doses. It should only be used for important work or sometimes for entertainment but just a little screen time. But everyone in the world uses it for hours after hours after hours. It can be said as a drug because a drug is something you get hooked onto and can’t stop taking. Isn’t your phone doing the same thing? Once you open it you just can’t put it down. Whether it is to check out the newest trend or to play a game or to check your Instagram feed. There are many uses and disadvantages of phones.

First of all we should look at the advantages. One of the biggest advantages of phones is the fact that they make communication between people easier. Nowadays you just have to press a button and viola you can talk to anyone you wish. It can also be used to give us directions to any place you want to go. You can also use it as a calculator. If you want to search for any piece of information you can just go on google and check it out which makes it easy to learn anything using your phone instead of buying books to find out the information.

Now as well as these advantages there are also disadvantages. As I mentioned above it is very addictive and you can’t put it down which wastes a lot of time. When you are doing work then a message or some new meme or something pops up and now you have to check it out and you get distracted. This also wastes a lot of time. These distractions might also affect you when you are studying. As well as wasting time it also causes health problems. The main problem is that it affects your eyesight in a bad way. Some people are cooped up in their houses on their phone so they don’t play any sports outside at all which will also affect their health in a bad way. Sometimes people also use it while they are in their car or while they are walking and this can lead to many accidents. It can allow easy long-distance chats but still it can distance people in their families. For example when all your family members are sitting together in a restaurant or in their living room most of them just look at their phones and just don’t talk with each other which will cause a rift between family members and maybe even a rift in friends.

In conclusion I would say that a phone has many many benefits but it also has as many disadvantages so it is best to use your phone as little as you can. It should be used for important work but sure sometimes you need entertainment so it can also be used for entertainment but it should not be used for a long amount of time. All of this also goes for all of the devices like laptops and televisions. I hope this article may have helped you in any way.



Hamza Siddiqui

I am writing here to share my stories and share my opinions. Writing is my passion so I write stories I feel may help change my readers mindset.