A Leap of Faith

Hamza Siddiqui
4 min readJan 4, 2024
Just Take That First Step by me

Have you ever had a goal in life that you wanted to achieve but just weren’t able to get around to do it? Most people are not able to accomplish their goals and just give up which makes me wonder what is the thing that holds people back from achieving their goals and what helps others to fulfill them? What is it that they have that we don’t?

Let me present to you my personal example of one of the reasons why this happens. When I used to play football at school I wasn’t particularly good at it but when I used to play with my brother or my friends, I was actually decent. I began to question why this change used to take place? I realized that it was because when I played at school, I always had the thought of whether I would be good enough or what would the others say when I try dribbling and lose the ball. So these thoughts I had would hold me back but when I played with my brother or friends, I never had the concept of what would happen if I failed because if I made a mistake we would probably just laugh it off and not make a big deal of it.

This is exactly the reason why we are not able to accomplish our goals. We always have certain thoughts that hold us back. Will my idea be good enough? Will others actually like what I’m doing? What if someone doesn’t like what I’m doing? What if I don’t get enough subscribers for my YouTube channel? If you have these thoughts of “What if” or “Will this happen or not” then you will not be able to go anywhere in life. These feelings of self-doubt and lack of self-confidence will not allow you to progress forward.

Another major reason is that before you even take that first step, humans have thousands of excuses ready for not doing it. When you’re about to even attempt to make that first step to accomplish your goals, you tell yourself that I don’t have time or I feel sick or that there are so many problems in my life right now that I don’t think it’s the right time to make that first step. The worst statement you can say is ,”I don’t think this is the right time to start.” This leads to procrastination. We always live in this illusion that we have lots of time in the world so we say that I’ll start it later till eventually that’s it, your chance is over and now you’re regretting it.

We also tend to think that everything will be so easy and when things don’t work the way we want it, we give up and say this is way too hard. There’s no point in going forward. We also remain in this other illusion that when you see other people do it easily, we believe that it’s easy. But when we see the first sight of trouble, it gets us running away. We feel we’re not ready to take the risks involved for it and are of this mindset that everything should be perfect otherwise there is no point in chasing your dreams. Well guess what, life isn’t perfect and if you want everything perfect then you can never be successful. We expect that we will see the results instantaneously and when we see a slow start we give up on it which is ridiculous honestly. Its like wanting a physicist to invent a new law without studying anything and running trials and tests.

Let me tell you something, Messi didn’t just wake up one day and became one of the greatest football legends. He suffered failures after failure and learned from it which eventually led to his success. On the surface it may seem simple but you have to train everyday. You have to work to accomplish your goals everyday one step at a time. So I say to you that don’t just remain stuck in this loop of not getting anything done because of what other people say and whether or not you become successful. If you remain in this loop you’ll remain stuck at one place. Just go for it. Just take that first leap of faith. Thousands of people may have the same dream of yours in mind but it is you who will take that first step. Don’t worry about others and just keep doing your thing. It’s literally just that first leap of faith, that first step you take because after that it’ll become easy, just you watch. The hardest part of the whole process is the start.

There is a quote from Spiderman into the spider verse when Miles says,

“When do I know that I’m Spiderman.” Peter Parker says, ”You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is Miles. A leap of faith.”

So whenever you have the thought of doing something in life and are serious about it, just take that first leap of faith without the thought of the fear of failing and what others think about you. It’s you who will take the first leap out of all of the thousands that have the same thought but couldn’t do it due to their fears and excuses.



Hamza Siddiqui

I am writing here to share my stories and share my opinions. Writing is my passion so I write stories I feel may help change my readers mindset.